Changing Group Settings


Group settings can be updated from several different M365 apps. Below are instructions for the Outlook desktop app.

Only group owners can change group settings.

  1. Open the Outlook desktop app.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Groups, select the group you want to change the settings for.image-1685114624885.png
  3. On the ribbon, select Home > Group Settings > Edit Group.

The following group settings can be updates from the Edit Group dialog.

  • Group name
  • Description
  • Privacy
    • Private - private groups aren't open for everyone to join them and the group owners are the only ones that can add members. Only group members can access group content.
    • Public - public groups can be joined by everyone with getting approval from a group owner, Anyone can access group content.
  • Add/remove members
  • Delete the group
  • Let people outside of the organization email the group
    • This setting allows people outside of A-State to send an email to the group. This option should be carefully considered as it will expose the group to possible SPAM messages.
  • Subscribe new members so they receive group emails in their inbox
    • If enabled, anything sent to the group appears in user inboxes, including invitations to Teams meetings.
    • When you change this setting, the user preferences for all members of the group will automatically be updated.
  • Promote member to owner
  • Demote owner to a member

You cannot change the group email address or add aliases.



Article ID: 78
Sun 7/2/23 4:46 PM
Sun 7/2/23 4:55 PM