STUDENTS: please note that in the video below, you will be using the Student Self-Service link instead of Employee Self-Service, but the directions are essentially the same.
What is the Emergency Alert system?
The campus provides a service to students to let them know as soon as possible if there is an emergency or closing on campus.
How to sign up:
Log in to Banner through the link provided on called 'Student Self-Service'.

Click on the menu in the top corner that resembles four boxes, click on 'Banner', and then 'Personal Information'.

If a box pops up asking for 'Allow', you can press either options.
Click on the box that says Personal Information.

Look for the option to +Add New on the far right under the Phone Number category.

On the drop down under Phone Type, choose Emergency Alert (updateable).
Fill in the spaces for Area Code and Phone Number only and click add. This will add the phone number of your choosing to the Alert system.