Service Catalog

Categories (8)

Accounts & Access

Network and email accounts, and user access requests

Audio Visual

For those needing assistance with IP phones, Apple TV, classroom and conference room set-up and digital signage.

Computers & Printers

Computer and printer setups, technology purchasing guide, and equipment management

Instructional Technology

Learning management system tasks and requests. Includes Blackboard and Respondus etc. This also includes classroom technology for ViewSonic, Smartboard, Zoom, Yamaha, etc.

Networking & Wireless

Requests for wireless registration, static IP addresses, new data lines. You can also find Mobile devices such as university phones, portable hotspots.

Banner/Degree Works/Self Service Banner 9

Assistance with optimizing data and generating reports. IT Staff are available to analyze problems and/or desired changes to either the data in Banner or current business processes. We are aware of the impact those changes can have on different areas.


VPN access and issues, Firewall rules, etc.

Software & Programs

Install applications for academic and personal use

Services (3)

Duo Dual Enrollment

If you are active on more than one A-State campus and needing your Duo phone number enrolled on both accounts

Need Additional Assistance

If you do not see the category that you need feel free to use this option to request assistance