Troubleshooting Tips

If you experience issues or errors when trying to login to the AstateSecure network, please try forgetting the Wi-Fi network and trying again. There are instructions for how to do this for various different devices below these instructions within the Campus Wireless information. 
If you did not receive or cannot find your Home @ AState password or if you are experiencing networking issues within your dorm, submit a Help Desk Ticket so we can help you get this matter resolved. Here are the instructions for this: 


1. Login to my.Astate and authenticate with Duo. 

my astate login.png

2. Scroll down until you see the icon that says Helpdesk Tickets. Click on this icon. 


3. This will take you to our ticketing website called TeamDynamix. You will need to sign into this website with your A-State email address and password. 



4. Once you have logged into TeamDynamix, on the top right of your screen you will see a blue button that says Get Started. Click on this button and begin exploring the different service options that matches the closest to the issue you're experiencing! For example, if you're having issues with the Network, you would go to Networking & Wireless



5. From here, you would select the option that matches closest to your issue, click on that option and then click Create A Ticket. This will take you to another page where you can fill out your information and explain the issue you're experiencing in more detail. 




6. Once you've finished filling out all of your information, click Request to submit your ticket and get it over to the Helpdesk so they can route it to the appropriate group and help you get a step closer to getting your issue resolved. 




For further assistance, contact the ITS Helpdesk at 870-972-3933, the IT Support office at 870-972-3500 or stop by the office. It is located on the bottom floor of the Dean B. Ellis Library, Room 149. 


Article ID: 29
Fri 6/30/23 9:43 AM
Sun 7/2/23 2:30 PM