Popular Services

Questions related to conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest are located here.

If you are active on more than one A-State campus and needing your Duo phone number enrolled on both accounts

Request a custom report to be created by our campus programmer.

Issues with email

Issues with resetting password

Issue with Banner that entails Student, Financial Aid, Accounts Receivable

If you do not see the category that you need feel free to use this option to request assistance

Issues with the Mitel phone or request for additions/changes

Issues with the Jenzabar PX system

Issues with the network and wifi

Issue with Banner that entails Finance, HR, Payroll, Accounts Payable, Purchasing

Issues with account such as a name change or login trouble


Issues with accessing campus from a remote location

Issues related to the pc/laptop/printer/projector/tv/interactive board/smartboard

Issues related to 0365, Office, Respondus, Adobe, Quickbooks, etc.

Issues related to the LMS - Blackboard

Issues with the website

Issues with a 3rd party software such as ACT